The Best Christian Movies

Start watching the best christian movies available now! Because having pure thoughts and healthy emotional habits requires care in the things we feed our thoughts and emotions with. Furthermore, the bible exhorts us to be in the world but not of it.

Therefore, it is good to watch the things that keeps us constantly focused on the teachings of Jesus. Here is a creative way to combine your entertainment with your edification and you can start now! Start becoming the person God made you to be and you can START NOW!

Flash out those old thoughts and become a new person. According to Norman Vincent Peale, “The greatest discovery of his generation is that human beings can change their lives by changing their attitudes of mind. Instead of looking at yourself as you are; look at yourself as you should be and you will become. Hence


“As a man thinks so he is.”

best christian movies

Culture your mind by watching the best christian movies !!

If you’re eye be single; your whole body shall be full of light. Meaning, we should all have a single focus from which all our actions manifests themselves.What is your most important focus that fundamental thought from which everything you do flourishes. Are you focused on the light of God, or are you focused on the things of the world. For most of us…. the answer is easy – 2 words in fact!

We tend to place our feelings above our thoughts…


In stark contrast, what you feel must actually be governed by what you think. To this end, you must be trained in the GODLY ways to think. Therefore, as you learn how to think you are learning how to feel and the knowledge of God is that foundation. Hence the scripture, train a child in the way he should think and he will not depart from it. Therefore…

Entertain your family with wholesome entertainment! Feed minds and bodies according to first, Spiritual, Mental and Physical well being and happiness.

The mind is a garden and thoughts are seeds; you can fill it with beautiful flowers or you can fill it weeds.

Our minds must be trained and cultured with wisdom. Wisdom is the principal thing therefore get wisdom. The Bible say the fear of the Lord is wisdom. Also says the bible, the fear of the Lord is to hate evil, pride and arrogancy. Also, as you teach yourself you are teaching others and as you teach others also teach yourself.

Jesus said: “He is at peace whose mind is stayed on me.”

best christian movies

On the contrary, we know that Hollywood is not going to help us focus on the things of good report. As a matter of fact, the movie industry operates on a sphere of influence by getting us to focus on what they want us to FOCUS on. And…

The teachings of the bible are not esteemed by the entertainment industry. Furthermore, I strongly believe in entertaining myself in a way that compliments values and attitudes that are Christian. And…

We see mostly rebellion, sexual immorality and violence in a lot of the Hollywood movies

best christian movies

Negative subliminal messages in Hollywood movies…

Nothing seen on TV is by chance, all programs are created, edited and produced exactly as intended. And a lot of families and friends coalesce around a good movie quite easily. To further add to that point…

Movies and TV shows are basic ways in which a lot of people find preoccupation from their everyday lives. Families share opinions and build bonds around the dining table and the TV set. Therefore…

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We should control what goes into our bodies and into our minds as much as we can in order to achieve our goals. Also…

Our goals must spring from the first commandment “LOVE THE LORD OUR GOD WITH ALL OUR MIND, SOUL AND STRENGTH. Therefore, we must think on the pure and pleasant things to reproduce them in our lives.

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