Spirituality, New Age, and Alternative Beliefs are only words to explain areas that are waiting for us to explore and learn.  Just because we didn’t learn it from growing up, our environment, or even our schooling; doesn’t mean it is not out there.  The Internet has provided the Information Super Highway … get on, learn… and explore.  Share and find ways to improve and grow yourself into the best you possible.

Black Ops Hypnosis 2.0  This is advanced mental technology. If you’re looking for “A Beginners Guide To Hypnosis” you won’t find it here.  This is at least fun to look into, and for some its a great hobby or trick to enjoy with friends.  What can you do with Hypnosis?  What can we learn from a calm state of mind?.  See what it is all about here:

Giant genes are being weaponized to create Super Soldiers and the Governments of the world are complicit. There has been a major cover up by western archaeological institutions since the early 1900’s.

A US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900’s that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence showing giants human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high level administrators Genesis 6 Giants – Master Builders of Prehistoric and Ancient Civilizations

Hypnosis is something that always fascinated me. I always thought it was impossible for me to get hypnotize by staring at a pendulum. Truth be told, I do not know a whole lot about the process but what I saw on TV. Whatever the case, I still do not think it could work on me unless it is more than what I see on TV


People use hypnotism for all types of reasons I have learnt. Some of the common reasons cited for being hypnotized are weight loss and sleeping. Thus, hypnotherapy includes, sleep hypnosis, hypnosis for weight loss, and hypnosis for anxiety

Money in the bank starts in the mind. Everything started as an idea and business and prosperity is not different. The difference between the poor and the rich is just how they think. And, a man’s motive and how badly he wants to achieve it will determine what he is capable of. Therefore, a man is the sum total of his thoughts. Hence. the bible tells us that ‘as a man thinks in his heart so is he’. As such…

Numerologist: Numbers are Science
 Our Obsession with Mathematics, Geometry and the connectedness of all things has reached a high not recorded in history for thousands of years.  Everything connects and numbers are the base language of it all.  Learn how the numbers relate to everything around us.  Curious?  See it all here:

Spirituality – what is that to you?  Do you feel a connection to the Universe?  Is it just one GOD?  One super being that controls it all?  Where do you go with it all, where do you find the inner peace of truth for you?  Why does belief have to be connected to Religion?  Its all about us connecting with our own Truths.  We are meant to grow, learn and find the truths out there.  Let’s soar and learn.