Food Can Affect Mental Health

Food should be regarded as medicine and though this may come as a surprise to some. it’s really a nobrainer! We are all aware of the fact that food affects our bodies. However, did you know that food can also affect your mind? As a matter of fact…

The connection between the brain and the gut goes deeper than many people realize. And, researches have isolated one group of foods that dramatically increases the risk of mania. According to ScienceDaily

Can Processed Meats contribute to mental disorders?

Are you bipolar??

An analysis of more than 1,000 people with and without psychiatric disorders has shown that nitrates — chemicals used to cure meats such as beef jerky, salami, hot dogs and other processed meat snacks — may contribute to mania, an abnormal mood state. Mania is characterized by hyperactivity, euphoria and insomnia.

EMULIN is a supplement that provides the Chaperones and Flavanoids that does not exist in process foods. These nutrients enables the immune system to respond how it should and prevents inflammation. This also counteracts the effects of processed foods on the body. Additionally, the breakup of fat cells will occur so EMULIN M will cause weight loss –

EMULIN M Counteracts Obesity!

Smiling young family spending time together

Researchers are increasingly looking for environmental factors, such as diet, that may play a role in bipolar disorder. Furthermore..

Diet issues like obesity not only affect your physical health but also your emotional and mental health. Thus, Fat Burning meals that are delicious and healthy would be ideal if you love eating good and hate being overweight!  Not suprisingly…

Obesity is one of the biggest drivers of preventable chronic diseases and healthcare costs in the United States. Currently, estimates for these costs range from $147 billion to nearly $210 billion per year.1 In addition, obesity is associated with job absenteeism, costing approximately $4.3 billion annually2 and with lower productivity while at work, costing employers $506 per obese worker per year Imagine if we all adhered to healthy diet practices. Do you want to eat healthy and avoid unhealthy fats?

Unhealthy fats are a type of fat containing a high proportion of fatty acid molecules and considered to be less healthy in the diet. And…

Issues range from weight gain, obesity, diabetes and lesser quality of life, to the lack of mental clarity or brain fogging.

National Estimated Costs of Obesity is a heavy a problem on our military and healthcare system.!

The Cost Of Obesity…

The annual nationwide productive costs of obesity are telling.

Obesity-related absenteeism range between $3.38 billion ($79 per obese individual) and $6.38 billion ($132 per obese individual).

Thus any spike in sugar or insuling in your blood will cause weight gain or obesity as the sugar ends up going where it was not meant to. However…

EMULIN has natural compounds that keeps the sugar out of places in your body that it shouldn’t go. places like fatty tissues is a prime example of where sugar should not be.. Thus, you burn the sugar up instead of storing it. Additionally….

These compounds also regulate inflammation. Hence, EMULIN is a vitamin like compound that is essential to regulate sugar in the body. Without it you will have trouble, some people suffer diabetes, obesity and other inflammatory diseases like arthritis, lupus, psoriasis. “With these compounds your body behave as it should normally.”



EMULIN is a plant based supplement that is a clear and present danger to all inflammatory disease. Illnesses like diabetes and many others are caused by inflammation of one kind or another.

Whatever your condition, this product will put your body in a state to do as it should. From a broken bone to heart disease, the body will be better able to respond to all types of recovery. In addition…

This takes away the harmful inflammatory effects of 180 lbs of sugar from the body daily.

Diet issues like obesity not only affect your physical health but also your emotional and mental health. Thus, Fat Burning meals that are delicious and healthy would be ideal if you love eating good and hate being overweight! 

Obesity a big problem! – no pun intended. Clogged arteries and heart problems have lots of bad spinoffs. These plagues affect our health and finance in big ways! Thus, start tackling your weight to keep it in check before it is too late. And, there are many ways to lose weight.


LOSE WEIGHT by drinking coffee!!