Online Merchant Processing

Online Merchant Processing is the way to go! Having an online merchant account equips you to make money online. In other words, without an online merchant account you can not receive payments online. Notwithstanding, Paypal and similar platforms may offer an option for payments, but on a lesser scale. Online merchant processing is good for business! No wonder businesses no longer depend on a steady flow of cash in this digital economy. Thus Credit Card merchant Processing is crucial! Therefore, choosing a credit card processor, or a CCP, is a very big decision with major implications.

As a matter of fact…

Credit Card Merchant Processing is critical and makes a tremendous difference in your business, small or great. As the World changes, so does the “Money.” And…

Online Merchant Processing must be progressive

You want to be with a progressive leader in solving all of your Merchant Processing needs such as PayCafe!  Do not lose business by being “Un-Accommodating” to all forms of Cash.  Plus with PayCafe you will get the best rates, and be set for today and well into the future.

online merchant processing


Online Merchant Processing issues relating to transaction volumes!

By choosing one CCP over another, your business’ monthly profit might change by thousands of dollars. As such, when choosing a Merchant Processing Solution, there are a few considerations that needs to be made.  Ensure that the rate quoted is not tied to a specific amount of transactions that needs to be done using that payment processor. Thus, falling short of the expected volume could see the low rate not being applied. Therefore, you will be charged a much higher fee on every transaction instead an expected low rate.

In the US, this is often the trouble with not making a certain number of sale, Merchant processing fees goes over the moon! Also…

Confusing Terminologies?? PayCafe Online Merchant Processing Makes the cut!

Another major thing that affects the rate you pay are confusing terminologies. There are so many confusing terms in the merchant industry that an unethical salesperson can easily use this to their advantage. You can be mislead into signing up for something that ends up costing you much more than you expected.

Interchange Rates VS Flat Rate Pricing – PayCafe Online Merchant Processing makes it clear.

Transactions from different types or cards may cost the payment processor different amounts. Similarly, MasterCard or Visa may charge differing amounts or interchange rates, between debit, credit and other types of cards.  Your payment processor can’t control that and they will usually pass these costs on to you. Few offer flat pricing! Also…

Sneaky pricing tricks

Salespeople sometimes turn these fluctuations into a sneaky pricing trick to hook you into a bad contract. This means they quote you an extremely low rate that is actually based on using one particular type of card in one particular type of situation.

For example, they could quote you an ecommerce transaction fee that sounds great until you realize that this only applies to swiped card transactions. Obviously it’s impossible to swipe a card in an ecommerce transaction – it’s just a trick to lure you into a bad deal without lying directly to your face. Also…

online merchant processing
Going in blindfolded to sign the terms and conditions!

Do not sign a contract until you have read the terms and conditions! In fact, more than just pricing rules gets buried in the paperwork. Moreover, there will be serious penalties for parting ways with a payment processor when you’re already locked in.
Typically, contract lengths are anywhere between 1 and 5 years. And… There are big cancellation fees if you try to get out of them early.  Therefore…
Make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into, and for how long! In addition…

You may also be subjected to any number of other hidden fees, charges and rules buried in your contract. Additionally, there may be fees for chargebacks and failed transactions. There may be maximum transaction limits, as well as minimums. Also, there may be very different pricing for different types of payments that aren’t popular yet but may be popular in a year or two.

Don’t just skim and sign – take the contract seriously!


You’re Not Worried Enough About Security?

Never downplay the power of fraudsters, hackers and data thieves. They are a very serious concern. It’s almost daily that we hear about major cyberattacks and data breaches. If you don’t take security seriously, the fraudsters will know.

Internet Merchant Accounts need to have the latest in security, if you are not with the latest technology you are in risk of being held responsible for fraud. 

This is a fact, and with ProgressivePay you will have the security and backing of the latest in fraud and protections, protecting you the Merchant from the Fraud of the online world.



All transactions are fully encrypted! Online Merchant Processing has to be!

This payment processor has security covered. All transactions fully encrypted! As such, customer data is stored on the blockchain! THIS is fully PCI compliant and has been awarded the US Government contract to handle all merchant processing! Obviously, fraud protection a key selling-point of PayCafe!


You need to work with a company you can really trust!

The security of your business and your customers’ most sensitive data are in their hands –


We know that there was once a time that you would’ve never believed someone who told you that you’d own your own business one day, but here you are. Now picture the same scenario with your CCP. We are telling you that while you may not care so much about these issues right now, if you don’t do your homework you may regret it in the end.

SIGN UP TODAY For The Best Online Merchant Processing!

We Make Accepting Credit Cards Easy!

We take care of your payment processing so you can focus on your business. Whether you sell online, on social media, or are considered high-risk, PayCafe is your solution.