MRVL Pet Supplement

MRVL pet supplement is a full scope combination of amino acids, minerals and peptides. And this supplement naturally supports the immune function. In addition to maintaining vitality and a healthy quality of life for your cats and dogs… MRVL Pet™ Immune Support is a comprehensive solution with amino acids that:

  • support the immune function,
  • help maintain healthy cellular energy,
  • promote long-term health,
  • support general health and quality of life, and,
  • promote normal detoxification in the body. Apparently….

The venom of the Caribbean blue scorpion in its original form contains low molecular weight peptides, amino acids, proteins, and minerals essential to healthy skin and capable of astonishing results for damaged and aging skin. Thus…

Using proprietary technology, MRVL labs perfected a technique to isolate, extract, and purify the complex compounds within the venom. And, our proprietary Blue Scorpion Peptide CTX™ is the key ingredient to all MRVL astonishing results. Furthermore…

MRVL Pet supplement is a breakthrough!!

MRVL Pet Supplement


This product is intended for dogs and cats as intermittent or supplemental feeding only. Administer twice daily according to your pet’s body weight.

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Blue Scorpion Venom Peptide!

Caribbean blue scorpion venom in its original form contains low molecular weight peptides, amino acids, proteins, and minerals. This is important to healthy skin, and capable of great results for damaged and aging skin. Apparently a peptide in the venom called chlorotoxin (the same chemical that paralyzes prey), also happens to target cancer cells. Therefore, scientists have developed and tested therapy using chlorotoxin (CLTX), a component of scorpion venom. This chemical direct T cells to target brain tumor cells. Accordingly…

Caribbean blue scorpion venom has been recognized in traditional medicine since the 19th century. And, it’s used in countries such as China, India and Africa still. Don’t you just love your cat or dog? Similarly…

It hurts to see my dog getting old and losing her zest. Realistically, she is old now and unable to do what she could. Notwithstanding, I miss the energy and joy she had in the former days. You know… When she jumped all over me and run circles around me playfully. If you have dogs then you know the love that dogs bring to a family. Is it any wonder dogs are so beloved by kids? Not really! I remember when I first got my golden retriever. Man! Was I ever excited – golden brown and overflowing with love… GET YOUR DOG BACK!