Do You Have An Eternity Plan?

Having an eternity plan is the main purpose of life. Life as we know it in this world will come to an end and we need to plan for what is next. The bible says that God has placed eternity in the hearts of men. The fact of the matter is that people die after a time. Life in this world is temporal and then there is the next stage of life – eternity. Do you have an eternity plan? NO… …If your answer is NO! …you are not alone.

Do You Have An Eternity Plan?

While many are unaware of an Eternity Plan, a lot more people are familiar with a retirement plan and are looking to having one themselves. A retirement plan is a savings plan that is set aside for the days of old age when you can no longer work. Therefore, having a retirment plan is a good thing to have and people are thinking ahead to have one. Similarly, everyone wants a good health plan, a plan that will take care of expenses if, and when, they get ill. All this makes good sense right? Absolutely! A good health plan provides stability to a family and a certain reassurance that helps to make life more liveable. A life without worries is all we really desire.

Do you have an eternity plan?

Did you know that you could die before you retire? What would happen to your retirement plan if you die… Most importantly, what would happen to you after death? A health plan is good but it cannot save you from dying. You will die eventually and what will be next after you die? Death comes to all men and the Bible says it is appointed to die once and then the judgement. The only thing sure in this life is death, What’s Next?

What’s an eternity plan?

This is a plan that should spread through every area of your life. It includes A relationship with Jesus. The Bible says Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. It also says that all have sinned and come short the glory of God but are justified by believing in Jesus. Learn more about Jesus and start with a prayer: According to the Bible,

This is how you should pray:

‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one because you are the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen.'”

Our Father Prayer is an example of how to pray…

Moreover, find a Bible believing church and most importantly, study the Bible. Start a personal walk with Jesus by prayer and meditation on his word. The Gospel of St. John is a good book to build faith in Jesus and the book of Proverbs will teach wisdom to the simple. Most importantly, pray and ask Jesus to come into your life and give you direction. Thus…

Start Your Eternity Today