Red Wine Heart Disease

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Red Wine vs Heart Disease is up for discussion and discovery by those less aware of the power of red wine. Wine has an incredible effect on the heart, and not just in relation to romance. Indeed, the French eat more fat, sugar and rich foods, plus drink more wine, but still – less heart health issues? Therefore…

The French Paradox

The answer to this puzzling question, commonly known as the “french paradox,” is believed to be due to phytonutrient intake. This nutrient is called resveratrol, and is found naturally in “superfoods” like reds. Thus, resveratrol is a powerful compound that regenerates the body all the way at the cellular level. In fact…

Red Wine vs Heart Disease

Research have been published over the past several decades in many medical journals. These journals include, but not limited to, the European Journal of Food Pharmacology and American Journal of Hypertension. They all found that resveratrol (in  from red wine) decreases the risk of heart disease among other common health concerns.

As a matter of fact, even Plato promoted the health perks of drinking it in moderation. Hence, he’s been quoted as saying, “Nothing more excellent or valuable than wine was ever granted by the gods to man.” Furthermore, wine has far better witnesses than that of Plato… Jesus turned water to wine at a wedding celebration and the apostle recommended drinking wine for stomach ailments. Thus, the Bible narrative supports drinking wine for social reasons as well as for health reasons. However, the bible warns against drinking in excess. Thus, moderation in all things is the underlying principle in everything that pertains to life in this world.

Red Wine vs Heart Disease

In case you’re wondering, you don’t have to be a wine drinker to benefit from resveratrol. Other sources include deeply- colored berries and real dark chocolate/cocoa.  Dark chocolate: once considered a rare treat is now mainstream. It’s become the snack of choice for healthy eaters. And, when combined with red wine – packs an awesome punch of antioxidants.

Red Wine Benefits

Along with helping to keep arteries clear from plaque buildup and protecting an aging heart, this phytonutrient has many other health benefits too — including reducing inflammation, potentially helping to prevent obesity and protecting cognitive health among the elderly. As a matter of fact, it is better for someone to drink wine than not drink wine.

Start Drinking a glass of wine every day for better heart function, memory retention and artery function.