Heat Seeking Drone To Find Bodies Created In Natural Disaster!

Heat Seeking Drone To Find Bodies Created In Natural Disasters. Thus, #today is a day that calls for #reflection on the weather patterns worldwide.  And, from #Tornado , #Cold #wind and #Snow , to #Flooding or #Fire, they’re all coming in strong opposition.  Furthermore…


The tornados are getting more & more berserk each time. Lee County is reeling in a state of shock from a tornado attack!

#PrayersforAlabama against murderous tornado’s – 23 people including #children dead!  #LeeCountyBody count is to go up as heat seeking drones are being dispatched for the search and rescue mission underway.


Heat Seeking DRONE! Ready or not here they come!

heat seeking drone

Drone use is on an increase as more applications demand these unmanned aerial vehicles to carry out various functions.



From the military, to police, to firefighters, architects, engineers, and much more. Furthermore, professionals to non-professionals, everybody can find a drone to be of more than a little use in several processes and applications.


heat seeking drone


Drones equipped with cameras are being used by everyone from police to farmers. As a matter of fact, drones have now gone where no scientist can, example,,, is over an erupting volcano. Thus, close-up footage of the deadly smoke and lava could be captured.




Drones are additional arms and legs that has endless applications for today and tomorrow.



More On Drone Price…
