Jesus is a food

Jesus is a food that is very good for you. Likened to wine, Jesus has words to nourish, groom and renew your spirit. According to the bible, He came that I might have life and have it more abundantly. The Jews told Jesus that Moses gave them bread from heaven, referring to the manna that they got fed with in the desert. Jesus responded, my father gave you the true bread from heaven. Jesus told them He was the true bread of heaven and that unless we eat his flesh and drink his blood; there is no eternal life. In other words, without Jesus we are all dead in our sins. Meaning, Dead On Arrival. Hence…

Jesus is a food we all need to live!

People struggle to wrap their heads around Jesus being a real person that is alive today and moving among the people. The bible said he rose from the dead for the purpose of restoring mankind to the realms of the visible and invisible. On that note, a special little girl had a supernatural experience of the invisible world and JESUS WAS HER TOUR GUIDE. See her story right here.

Fear not men; but rather, fear God that can destroy your body and soul in hell. Truly, all have sinned and come short the glory but are justified by faith in Jesus Chirst, faith in Jesus is to believe in his divinity and way of life. Follow me! is the injunction given by Jesus. We have to follow his character and way of life to where he leads. To follow Him is to live by His teachings. Thus, man shall not live by bread but by the words of Jesus. He promised to turn your sorrow into joy similar to how he turn water into wine at the wedding. Therfore…

Jesus is the true wine and the true bread. We must eat and drink of His teachings and at His feet. To that extent we are communing with him. As such, symbolically we break bread and wine the first sunday of every month at church. Thus, having fellowship with the believers and Jesus. Bread is the symbol of his body and wine is the symbol of his blood. Christians do this in rememberance of Jesus. Praise be to the LORD!

Jesus is a food

Again, Jesus is a way of life that extends in all areas of life.

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