Coconut Oil Helps Thyroid Health and Weight Loss and it comes as no big surprise. The reason is that most of the fatty acids in the diet are long-chain fatty acids, but the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are metabolized differently.

They go straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they are used as a quick source energy or turned into so-called ketone bodies, which can have therapeutic effects on brain disorders like epilepsy and Alzheimer’s.

Populations That Eat a Lot of Coconut Oil Are Healthy

Girl Eating Coconut

Coconut is kind of an “exotic” food in the Western world, primarily consumed by health conscious people.

However, in some parts of the world, coconut is a dietary staple that people have thrived on for many generations.

The best example of such a population is the Tokelauans, which live in the South Pacific. They eat over 60 of their calories from coconuts and are the biggest consumers of saturated fat in the world. These people are in excellent health, with no evidence of heart disease.

Another example of a population that eats a lot of coconut and remains in excellent health is the Kitavans.

Coconut Oil Helps Thyroid Health and Weight Loss

Research points to the fact that an underactive thyroid gland may be the number one cause of weight problems, especially among women. Thyroid hormones are required for normal health and the activity of every cell in the body. It therefore makes sense that the lack of these hormones will have a detrimental affect on the entire body.

The thyroid gland is the body’s metabolic thermostat, controlling body temperature, energy use and the growth rate in children. Symptoms of having a sluggish thyroid include lack of energy, depression, weight gain, low body temperature, headaches, menstrual disorders, dry skin, insomnia, puffy eyes, brittle nails, mental dullness, dizziness and low sex drive.


Is that all! As if we needed anymore issues on the list for having a sluggish thyroid gland. Hypo-thyroidism is another name for the ailment and despite how troublesome it is it can be cured. As a matter of fact…

According to David Wolfe, Nutritionist and Super Food Health expert, consuming coconut oil regularly is known to help restore thyroid function. The medium chain fatty acid composition of coconut oil converts by the liver directly into energy. This process increases metabolic rate and assists the transport of the thyroid hormone into the cells. This promotes hormone balance and an increase in energy levels, which leads to healthy, lasting weight-loss.

One interesting feature of coconut oil is that it can reduce your hunger. This may be related to the way the fatty acids in it are metabolized, because ketone bodies can have an appetite reducing effect. Given that coconut oil can reduce appetite and increase fat burning, it makes sense that it can also help you lose weight. Also…

Coconut oil appears to be especially effective in reducing abdominal fat, which lodges in the abdominal cavity and around organs. This is the most dangerous fat of all and is highly associated with many Western diseases. Waist circumference is easily measured and is a great marker for the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity. Additionally…

The Fatty Acids in Coconut Oil helps to Boost Brain Function in Alzheimer’s Patients

Coconut Oil

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia worldwide and occurs primarily in elderly individuals. In Alzheimer’s patients, there appears to be a reduced ability to use glucose for energy in certain parts of the brain. Ketone bodies can supply energy for the brain and researchers have speculated that ketones can provide an alternative energy source for these malfunctioning cells and reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s. Furthermore…

Leading researcher in the field of hormones, Dr Peat says that the sudden surge of polyunsaturated oils into the food chain post World War II has caused many changes in hormones. These polyunsaturated oils interfere with the thyroid gland and block the secretion of this hormone. Unrefined virgin coconut oil does not inhibit thyroid function in the way that these unsaturated vegetable oils do.


“I have met ladies who have lost weight by taking coconut oil daily, bringing their hormones back into balance and using it on their skin to avoid the sagging from rapid weight loss. Simply switching from using heated unsaturated oils in cooking to using coconut oil, can be enough to start experiencing these amazing benefits.”

Maintaining a diet high in healthy fats, in-particular coconut oil, will contribute to your inner and outer beauty in so many ways. Good fats play a vital role in our health and nutrition. AUTHOR: JENNI MADISON