Internet of Things! (IoT)

IoT – Internet Of Things speaks to devices having their own internet. The internet as we know it is ( The internet Of Information ). This is about people connecting and networking with each other (www). On the other hand, devices like your GPS will have their own network TO COMMUNICATE with each other. In other words… Broadband Internet is become more widely available, the cost of connecting is decreasing, more devices are being created with Wi-Fi capabilities and sensors built into them, technology costs are going down, and smartphone penetration is sky-rocketing.  All of these things are creating a “perfect storm” for the IoT.

The Internet Of Things: is about devices having their own connectivity worldwide. Electronic devices installed with a IOT chip will have the ability to stay connected and interconnected on the IOT Network. This service will help companies save billions collectively. From a dog collar to a gps device – to the temperature readings in a frozen food truck! ALL THESE will communicate on their own network (IOT) over LONGFI. Thus..


Forbes Magazine:

From Amazon Echo. FitBit. Even your coffee pot…

While you might be thinking “one of these things is not like the other,” they are all examples of the Internet of Things (IoT).

They are all everyday objects that can be connected to the internet and be recognized by other devices and contribute info to a database. The Internet of Things describes Internet V.2, where data is created by things.

The IoT is here!!

IoT is short for Internet of Things. The Internet of Things refers to the ever-growing network of physical objects that feature an IP address for internet connectivity, and the communication that occurs between these objects and other Internet-enabled devices and systems.

Companies have to pay Telcos like ATnt a huge sum to be able to use their devices on the CURRENT internet of information (WWW) that keeps us all connected. As a device communicates info over the internet and similarly to how our phones use data so does everything else. IMAGINE how much companies have to pay to use their various devices! NOT ANYMORE DUE TO THE Internet Of Things!

By now, you’ve probably gotten your hands on more than one nontraditional network device—a smart speaker, a smart thermostat, a smartwatch. And, thanks to system administrators everywhere, they’re making their way onto corporate networks.

Helium (IoT) Network Tokens – HNT; will be worth as much as Bitcoin!!

To give you an idea of the scope of IoT’s exponential growth, let’s take a step back in time to 2008. Ah, remember 2008? It was the year of The Dark Knight, Apple’s App Store launch. And, It was also the year that Cisco announced there were more internet connected devices than people.

Today, experts estimate that there will be more than 30 billion objects by 2020, and more than 75 billion by 2025.

That’s a lot of chatter.

And all of this talk surrounding IoT’s utility is already having a major impact on industries around the world. IHS Markit’s M2M and IoT analyst, Sam Lucero, notes automation, integration, and servitization will have a marked impact on the global economy.

Helium Tokens set to soar in value!!

The only constant in this world is change. And, from the internet came a Revolutionary Financial System called BITCOIN. This internet financial instrument operates on THE INTERNET OF VALUE. The BLOCKCHAIN is the Internet Of Value.

Bitcoin operates on the Blockchain which is The Internet Of Value! Similarly, these electronic devices (smart devices) will operate on their own network – the Internet Of Things network a.k.a – I.O.T. Again…


Billions of Devices will be on this Global Network over the next 5 plus years. And, Gartner Says 5.8 Billion Enterprise and Automotive IoT Endpoints Will Be in Use in 2020.

IOT – Internet Of Things – Revolutionary!

Devices worldwide are meshed into their own network. This network of devices will be will be globally accessible to everyone. In Addition…

Companies will pay for this service in a Cryptcurrency called Helium Tokens! And with a Helium Hotspot, anyone can earn cryptocurrency while contributing to the building of a wireless network in their city. Thus, creating a more connected future. To become a partner in the IOT network and earn Helium Tokens you have to purchase a HELIUM HUB.

The HELIUM HUB Provides wireless coverage for low power Internet of Things (IoT) devices. PURCHASE A HELIUM HUB WHILE YOU CAN and earn a new cryptocurrency called Helium Tokens, from your living room.

Anyone can own a Hotspot, and earn a new cryptocurrency by providing wireless coverage for low power, Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

Get Your Hub Now! Go HERE To Order

There is a global drive called ‘THE INTERNET OF THINGS’. The aim is to connect all peoples globally through devices and cell towers. EVERYONE will have access to the internet and BITCOIN is the currency for the internet and will become the currency of the world!!

Internet Of Things … a network of devices.

Welcome to Prime Gate City Network , powered by Helium “AKA: The People’s Network”. This is the Internet of Things Network. From each and every online device, or anything that can connect to our deployed Mesh Network.

IoT Dog Collar
IoT Smart Watches
Iot Thermostat

You only have to download or signup for a CRYPTO WALLET to start using bitcoin. This is similar to getting an email account. CRYPTOCURRENCY is to a Bank what EMAIL is to a Post Office – a silver bullet!! To use this digital currency all you need is a CRYPTO WALLET. It’s a software or app; and all you need to use it is your phone or tablet or computer. And you can spend HELIUM, or exchange it for cash.

Connect to the Internet Of Things NOW…