Smell Like Love

A Smell Like Love is what guys hope to have when they encounter an attractive woman. Whatever that smell is, if a woman is attracted to it; it will be based on her personal preferences and associations. Though they can not know for sure, a guy certainly hopes that his pheromones are enough to make her lust. What are pheromones? you asked;

Identified in 1959 by etymologist as chemical substances that produces specific sexual reactions in animals. In other words, chemicals that affects the sense of smell in a way that elicits sexually provocative behaviour in the opposite sex. Thus, enticing a woman to generate feelings for intercourse by just a smell of this…

Theoretically, the power of attraction comes alive when a certain smell is in released in the air. This Alpha Smell arouses thoughts and feelings of sexual attraction in female prospects.

Smell Like Love

Similarly, women have specific smells that they associate with a certain type of mood, feeling or context. A strong and musky cologne may cause a woman to fantasize about the object of her fascination, or, someone in her life with a smell like that, that generates feelings of imagination or sexual attraction. It’s all about association.

However, perfumes and colognes are made from things in our environment like plants and flowers but what if compounds from human DNA produced such reactions? As such, pheromoness are made from organic compounds. Thus…

Attraction through a smell like love

That is the power of attraction through smell (pheromone Releasers) in human behavior. And an attraction through smell exist in all creatures but are far more complex to study in humans. Notwithstanding, there are many different types of attraction or repulsion through smell and the pheromones called RELEASERS are the type that involves SEXUAL ATTRACTION. Here you can find examples of such RELEASERS…

True Pheromones

Association and context plays a big role in how different individuals responds to different pheromones. A woman may like a certain cologne because she loved her dad and smelled it on him as a kid growing up. Another woman may hate it because she got abused as a child and her abuser wore that cologne. Our sense of smell, like everything else, is adversely affected by upbring, environment and experiences.

Aphrodisiac for the smell of love!!

TURN HER ON with the ultimate combination of effective pheromones proven to elicit social response and sexual excitement in women. With TRUE Alpha Ultimate Men’s Pheromone oil, we’ve removed all of the filler pheromones that other products contain. Turn her on just by the smell of you! Don’t Be Fooled By Fakes – It’s Not The Volume Or Variety Of Pheromones, It’s The Combination That Counts Let’s talk briefly about what TRUEAlpha does…

Instantly come off as the Alpha Male that women crave and other men respect. Assert your dominance, masculinity and power (especially in social situations). Thus, become more approachable and instantly likeable. Create conversations that make women feel like you are already in their social circle. Elevate her mood immediately and make her feel comfortable, connected, and communicative without even taking any action. Therefore…

Don’t be fooled by pretenders. These research-based results are only created through proper combination, testing, and precise formulation. Other products may contain MORE pheromones, but these imitators are often packed with substances that create signals which work against each other. TRUEAlpha contains 4 highly potent pheromones that work in unison. And…

Make her crave you!

Tap In To The Addictive Sense Of Trust That Women Subconsciously Crave. You’ll be the most attractive man in the room without changing a single thing about yourself. All you need is TRUEAlpha Ultimate Men’s Pheromone Oil. This unique combination elicits a specific emotional response, elevating a woman’s mood and making her trust you, feel protected by your presence, and completely open for sexual communication.

Don’t believe it’s possible? Give it a try 100% risk-free. The best way to see if it works is to try it yourself with our 100% money back guarantee. Active Ingredients: Androstenol, Androsterone, Androstadienone, & Androsterone, however…

100% Risk Free – Moneyback Guarantee – ORDER NOW

Total Pheromone Content: 13,334 mcg (47.6 mcg per drop) Effective Dosage: 47.6 – 238 mcg Duration of Effect: 8-10 hours Total Volume: 10ml Scent: Unscented 100% Money Back Guarantee!