Sugar disease can be prevented. A lot of maladies are caused and/or fueled by sugar. Similarly, diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. … Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t reach your cells. Over time, having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problem and diabetes is just one of such diseases.

sugar disease

Sugar Disease is preventable and reversible…

We can prevent these diseases but it is easier said than done. We are bombarded everyday with sugar and salt based foods. Furthermore, knowing what to do and actually doing it is often a struggle. Factually speaking…

Sugar, the Sweetest Poison We love sweets. We enjoy sweets just as we need sweetness in our lives. Sweets give us a pleasant energy lift, at least for a moment. Centuries ago sweets were rare. We enjoyed them only a few times a year. Now we find sugar everywhere in soft drinks and prepared foods.


A mitigating factor is found with EMULIN. Thus, for those of us that like sweet treats, all hope is not lost.

The Human Body has a fire going on – right now. Low Grade Inflamation. You can’t tell you have it… but you do. Emulin basically takes away the fuel from that fire. Much like taking wood away from fire. There is one thing that we all know… a body that was created by GOD… Let’s just say “Processed sugar was not meant to be processed by our bodies.

If you take away the POISON (180 lbs of Sugar per year) the Body can take care of itself… and that is what Emulin Does it deals with the excess sugar and safely chaparones it from the body It is NOW EXCLUSIVELY available from VALENTUS! Only Valentus has this product now.

Sugar effects can be cured

EMULIN is a grapefruit based solution that works! Sugar Is Poison and we need to be proactive on limiting it’s intake. Emulin has been shown to help the healing process, and so much more – all from the regulation of inflammation and sugars as it does. We eat the POISEN – processed foods… donuts, etc… fries… all of it… (LIST IS HUGE) CARBOHYDRATES –

eMulin and emulinC / notice the capsM is for maintenanceC is for better for blood sugar concernsm is for EVERYONE C is for those with extra need in blood sugar concerns Even new babies… HEARD IT HERE! THUS…