Tired Or Sleep-Deprived?

Tired or sleep-deprived? A lot of persons work more than one job to support raising a family. This can be very tiring and challenging. However, keeping one job, or getting 8 hours sleep is often a luxury few can afford. Multitasking  is a norm for a lot of us these days. Hence, energy drinks are in constant demand all the time. The overhanging question is the safety of energy drinks for our health.  Moreover…

Since 2008, March 7 has been observed as World Sleep Day by the World Sleep Society “to raise awareness of sleep as a human privilege that is often compromised by the habits of modern life.”

Insufficient sleep has been linked to the development of several chronic diseases and conditions including hypertension, diabetes, depression, obesity, depression and cancer. Even so, the demands of modern society keep shortening the time available for rest.

Tired of being tired?

This is an endless cycle for a lot of persons and they seek a solution that will adequately address it. People are cultured by society into always being in a rush. They barely find time to eat properly and so fast food is a big thing despite being unhealthy. Similarly,

McDonalds is crammed with people although the food is fattening and bad for our health. That tells us that people are desperate for a solution to their bad eating habits and for their constant lack of energy. We all have to eat but why do we take energy drinks when we do not have to…

Energy drinks can deliver on some of their promised benefits by increasing brain function and helping you function when you’re tired or sleep-deprived. However, there are a number of health concerns with energy drinks, particularly related to excessive caffeine intake, sugar content and mixing them with alcohol…

Energy Drinks are bad for your health!

With so many energy products on the market today packed with sugar and saturated with artificial ingredients, Prevail Energy is a breath of fresh air, or should we say a breath of fresh ingredients! Get really good energy that lasts a long time – get Prevail Energy, that energy that prevails!

Specially formulated with pure natural ingredients, Prevail Energy is designed to give you a healthy boost of energy, without the harmful artificial stimulants.

A healthy way to get a really lasting energy boost without jitters or slump. The type of

energy that is great for athletes, drivers, students. Kill the afternoon slumps for better productivity.


When it comes to sustained energy levels during tactical missions, Prevail Energy is the best Energy Drink out there!”

—  CW3 Brian S., NY, USA
AH64E Apache Guardian Instructor Pilot

Try it for yourself and see why people from all over the world are making Prevail Energy their go to source for healthy energy, increased focus, and maximum performance!

  • Works in minutes

  • Boosts energy

  • Lasts for hours

Finally, a solution presents itself thanks to Valentus!

And as if the health benefits weren’t enough, just wait until you taste these amazing flavors. They are delicious!



With Valentus Prevail Products, people all over the world are experiencing a new kind of health and vitality.

Formulated with the purest natural ingredients from some of the most pristine locations on the planet, we pride ourselves not only on creating products that get results, but on creating products that are good for your body.

From our flagship product that many are calling the best health product EVER, to our super-antioxidant Immune product, Prevail Energy™

No need to be tired or sleep deprived! With this you get abundant energy and in a healthy way!

For a healthy energy boost, tear packet and mix contents with 12-16 oz. of water. For maximum energy, mix two packets with 12-16 oz. of water.